FRC General Information

FRC General Information

‘Quick Bites’ from the

Tolland Family Resource Center
School Age Care Program

A quick response to some common questions asked by FRC families.

We hope it is helpful!

Questions regarding weather:

The Before School Program will follow the School System for delays:

When there is a 2-hour delay, the FRC opens at 9:00 for children registered in the before school program for that day.   (This is to allow enough time for the parking lot and sidewalks to be treated.)

Early Dismissal- School Age Care

When there is an early dismissal due to inclement weather, the FRC will close at 3:45 p.m. However, if school closes before 12:45 p.m., then FRC will close 2 hours after the end of school; example, if Birch Grove closes at 11:00 a.m., then FRC will close at 1:00 p.m.

*If weather allows we will still go outside to play. Please send your child with the appropriate clothing.

(We follow the school district's cold weather policy. If the temperature is 20 degrees or higher with the wind chill, we will be going outside.)

Questions regarding hours of operation:

*The FRC opens at 7:00 a.m. and closes at 6:00 p.m.

*The FRC closes at 6:00 p.m. every day of the week (with the exception of inclement weather).

(There is an extra charge for late pick-ups. If you are running late please call and let us know so we can reassure your child.) BG 870-6750 ext. 5, TIS 870-6885 ext. 3)

The FRC is open for vacations pending minimum registrations. (Please look for registration forms as we get closer to these particular weeks.) There is an additional charge for these days.


Summer Camp Registration:  Registration will begin Friday, March 14, 2025. 

As always, please call with any questions, concerns, or comments that you may have.

Contact information:

email: [email protected]
870-6750 ext. 5 (Carol Hiller, FRC Coordinator)
870-6750 ext. 5 (Kim Evans, FRC Program Manager)