

Welcome to the website of the Tolland Public Schools. This website has been prepared for the sole purpose of making school information easier to find, and it is our hope that it will become for parents, students, and visitors the “go to” place for that information.

The website has been developed to enable visitors to become familiar with our district, as well as our schools, and to provide current information, updated school news, schedules, and events. It is also our goal to improve our communication with parents, students, staff, and the community at large.

Our home page has a calendar that includes the events scheduled district-wide, as well as an area of “Quick Links” for easy access to information utilized on a regular basis. The tabs located across the top of the page have drop down menus containing a variety of information that you will also find helpful.

Please visit our site often as we add and update information about our schools and programs.


We would love to have you volunteer in our Tolland Public Schools!

Please contact the Central Office with any questions. For those already volunteering, and those new to the game, the BOE will now do background checks every three school years. If you will be volunteering for the first time in the upcoming school year, please complete the volunteer form After you have submitted your application, please call 860-870-6850 extension 1 to provide your social security number. You can check with the school secretaries to verify your status.

Please note these procedures are required for safety and legal reasons. A person will not be permitted to join trips, work in classrooms, or do other work associated with the students in the schools without completing this process. Doing paperwork in advance and in a timely manner will prevent applicants from missing important events and avoids unnecessary disappointments and exclusions. 

Working Papers
Click Here for information on working papers.  Please call 860-870-6850 extension 1 if you have questions.  

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
January 26, no events27282930311
February 02, no events345678
February 09, no events101112131415
February 16, no events171819202122
February 23, no events24252627281