The 2024 -2025 New Student Registration link is below. Please select in order to start the registration process.
Please do not use the link below if you are registering in the next school year.
Please note that if your child is currently enrolled in Tolland Public Schools, you DO NOT need to register them.
Tolland Public Schools Registration
between the ages of 5 and 18 are required to attend school.
Children entering Kindergarten in the 2024-2025 school year must turn five (5) on or before September 1, 2024 to be eligible for Kindergarten. If your child turns five (5) on September 2, 2024 through September 1, 2025, they will now enter Kindergarten in the 2025-2026 school year.
For questions regarding registration, please contact our registration secretary, Candace de Loureiro at 860-870-6818 extension 10804.
Please note, if your child is a current student of the Tolland Public School system, you do not need to register again.
Who Should Register?
- New students enrolling in Tolland Public Schools for the first time
- Incoming Kindergarten Students
- Students
re-enrolling or returning to Tolland Public Schools (e.g., homeschool,
out of state/country, magnet school, etc.). Updated residency
verification is required - other form may also be required
- Students who live in Tolland and are attending a magnet, technical or Vo-Ag school. Residency verification is required
Instructions: Before proceeding, please read Tolland Residency Procedures
Upload to Registration:
1. Download the forms below. These forms will need to be uploaded
when registering in PowerSchool Enrollment.
Fill out the downloaded forms and scan them to a location where you can
retrieve later. For information on how to take a picture of
documents and upload them, click HERE.
If you need to fill out a Special Transportation Form or Bus Stop
Form for Birch Grove Primary School, Tolland Intermediate School
Tolland Middle School, please use the link below for your school.
The Bus
Stop Release Form is for BGP and TIS only. There are no forms for THS.
Click the appropriate link below to begin the registration process. Please note that registrations cannot be moved from year to year:
Fall Registration Link:
2024 - 2025 New Student Registration
If you have not previously created an account, please click on the "Create Account" button
- After providing all necessary information and creating a password, click on "Create Account" and proceed to the next screen
- Note:
Please remember the email address and password that you use for your
account, as you will need both in the future for any modifications
- Fill in the demographic information using the student's full legal name
- Click "Next" at the bottom of each new screen
- You may continue to edit, upload documents, etc. until you hit the final "Submit" button
- Note: Please be sure to upload all the required documents prior to clicking "Submit'
- On the final screen, please verify all your information and the click "Submit"
Additional Information and Forms:
School Websites & Information: