Certification Resources
Certification Lookup
Educator certifications can be verified through the CSDE's Online Certification Lookup.
Certification Renewal Process
The State of Connecticut Certification
website provides information on certification
rules, regulations and requirements.
Renewal of Certification:
1. The district recommends that three months prior to the expiration of your
certification, please begin the re-certification process by submitting an
application using the State of Connecticut Certification
website automated system.
(Note: This can be done up to six months prior to the expiration of
your certification.)
2. If you receive an email to submit an ED 126 Statement of Professional
Experience form, complete the top portion of the ED 126 in ALL CAPS and in BLUE INK, and
interoffice it to Kristina Perleoni at the Central Office. If you are no
longer employed with Tolland Public Schools, please send it to:
Human Resources
Tolland Public Schools
51 Tolland Green
Tolland, CT 06084
When the ED 126 form is complete, the Human Resource’s Office will email/mail
it to the State on your behalf. If you would like a copy of the form,
please kindly request one from Kristina Perleoni
at [email protected] in the central office.