Information Technology Services
The Information Technology Department:
- devises, administers, and evaluates plans, policies, and procedures to insure effective use and growth of technology district-wide; and
- directs the purchase, installation, development and maintenance of computers, software and technology tools in classrooms and administrative offices.
Accordingly, technology plays a vitally important role in Tolland's schools. The district owns more than 1,300 microcomputers, maintains a network that connects all classrooms, offices, and buildings to each other and to the internet. There are eighteen assorted servers distributed among five buildings in the district. Staff and students use technology to access resources for communication, personal productivity, learning, management, and administration. All aspects of teaching and learning in the district depend heavily upon technology and upon the Information Technology Department.
The Director of Information Technology coordinates the program in conjunction with building and district administrators and the technology and curriculum planning committees in each of the schools. In addition to the District Director, the department includes an Educational Technology Specialist, a Network and Wired Telecom Administrator, an Information Systems Specialist and an Administrative Assistant.
Playing a vital role in the integration of technology and education, the Educational Technology Specialist works to promote the incorporation of technology into the curriculum, while training and supporting teachers in the various systems. The Educational Technology Specialist provides the link between education and IT to ensure the technological needs of the staff and students have been met.