FRC Programs

Programs available at the 

Tolland Family Resource Center

PAT - Parents as Teachers: Home visits and consultation from a Parent Educator for expecting parents through the age of five years old. Call (860) 870-6750 x 5 or email [email protected] for more information.

Preschool Program:  The FRC has Preschool Programs for 3-5 year old's. Please call the FRC for additional preschool information. The FRC also has information on all Tolland Preschools and Child Care Centers.  Please see our Preschool page for more information.
New for the 2024-2025 school year, FRC will offer a Kindergarten Readiness Program for children turning 4 on or before September 1, 2024.

Playgroups and Parent/Child Classes:    
See Playgroup page for more information including schedule and registration forms. 

The Before and After School Care Program:2024-2025 registration forms are available at the FRC or at the bottom of the School Age Care page.
Please see our School Age Care page for more information.

TERAC:  The Tolland Early Readiness Advisory Council meets periodically to help guide the work of the Family Resource Center. If you would like to join this wonderful group of people, please email Carol Hiller at [email protected].  More information can be found on our TERAC page.

Parent Courses:   Parent classes will be returning on a bi-monthly basis starting in the 2024-2025 school year. More information will be available in September. 

Summer Camp:  Please see our summer page for more information.